Garage Door Panel Repair or replacement?

Should you fix that garage door panel or just get an entire new garage door replacement?

Normal wear and tear can produce minor blemishes such as small scratches, dents, rust patches, cracks, or warps. Consult with a professional to assess the seriousness and see whether the problem is confined to just one of the panels. If so, it may be possible to repair your garage door panel with wood filler, paint, and/or a strut.Garage Door Repair, Greenfield, Wi, Garage door repair greenfield

If the door was hit by a car,  or someone tried to use the automatic opener when the door was locked, the damage may affect much more than the individual panel and could threaten the safety of anyone using your garage. Essential mechanisms including the struts, track, spring, or opener may have been compromised, even if the damage isn’t noticeable at first.

Finally, if your garage door is over 10 years old, finding a matching panel can be near impossible, with changes to your doors appearance due to weather and wear and tear, along with differences in panel weight and size, you may decide that a replacement door is your best bet.

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